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BEER Diary

Developed the concept and code for a web application that allows users to document their favorite beers through a searchable database of American breweries.

+ Developed front end functionality using React.JS with design implementation from Semantic UI framework.
+ Utilized full CRUD operation on back end that allows users to create, edit, and delete entries from a local
PostgreSQL database, while also incorporating multiple third-party API calls to the Open Brewery DB and Google Maps.
+ Created Ruby on Rails back end with RESTful, custom routes using serializers to create more accessible data for front end.
+ Constructed password authentication using JWT and bcrypt gems for added application security on login.

Beer Diary
Tri with Skye

tri with skye

Created a bespoke digital business platform for a small business using custom code and the Squarespace CMS in order to effectively showcase important client service offerings while also maintaining a unique brand identity throughout the website. Provided in-depth CMS tutorials to help empower administrators for future site management.

Landing Page

Landing page

Custom built an HTML/CSS Flexbox layout with media query responsive web designs and vector graphics derived from Sketch and Invision files with added Javascript functionality from YouTube and Google Maps embeds, plus custom CSS transitions.

+ Built a precision HTML/CSS Flexbox layout with media query responsive web designs for viewing on all devices
+ Utilized Sketch files and InVision wireframes for function and style references
+ Employed vanilla Javascript for added functionality, plus an embedded Google map and various CSS Transition stylings

landing page.png
Bright Spot
Screen Shot 2019-12-16 at 3.38.22 PM.png

bright spot

Developed a web application that seeks to connect users to shared locations within their immediate area that spark joy in simple, but meaningful ways.

+ Utilized Ruby on Rails backend with PostgreSQL database and Javascript with React front end, implementing a custom CSS framework while creating a fully functioning interactive map via the Google Maps API and google-maps-react library.

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